Sunday, November 19, 2006

Risky But Sexy

I have long been aware that Lean (and Six Sigma) has the potential to reduce risks, but it lacks the rigour of a proper compliance based approach - something like traditional Health & Safety practices.

Working with my close colleague, Malcolm Tullett, we have developed a methodology that combines the organisational benefits of Lean with a structured approach to reducing risk which we have called PROPA™.

PROPA (or PROfit from Positive Action) uses the Amnis PRISM approach to the structured implementation of Lean combined with effective Integrated Risk Management techniques.

For example, we approach Value Stream Analysis not only analysing non-value adding activities but also the risk at key stages. Our Rapid Improvement Events also combine compliance checks.

The approach has proven so novel as to draw some very exciting comments and was recently Commended in the IET's Innovation Awards.

If you want to find out more, contact us for more information!

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